Monday, 20 April 2015

Unit 34 research into hoaxes

In this unit we are creating a hoax UFO sighting to begin with then later we are join g to create our own creature or object and create our own hoax like these pictures bellow of famous hoaxes
this is a rely old photo of  a hoax where some people unearthing a mummify/dead giant 

this is the fake bigfoot footprint photo this is  quite a famous photo and it has also been cast but is proven as a hoax within the scientific community but squaches still see it as solid evidence that it exists

 this is the bigfoot photo that made news headlines around the world but we all no its a person in a  gorilla costume

 this is the loch ness monster (Nessie) and it is clamed this monster is a plesiosaur  (even if there is no way it exists )that is still one of the most famous pictures in the world and people still search for this monster in the loch and there are even sightings till this day

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